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How Long Does a THC Vape Stay in Your Body?

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Vaping THC can leave traces in your body, and you may wonder how long it stays. The effects and drug test results depend on several factors, including usage frequency and your metabolism. Keep reading to find out the details.

THC vapes can stay in your system for days to weeks depending on your usage habits, metabolism, and the sensitivity of drug tests. Continue reading to learn how long it can last and how it affects tests.

Want to know more about how THC vapes are detected in your system? Keep reading to find out the specifics!

How Long Do THC Vapes Stay in Your System?

The length of time THC stays in your system can vary based on how often you vape, your metabolism, and the test used. For occasional users, THC might stay in your system for about 3 days. However, for regular users, it can linger for up to 30 days or even longer. THC is fat-soluble, so it’s stored in the body’s fat cells and is released over time.

Will a Vape Show Up on a Drug Test?

Yes, THC from vaping can show up on a drug test. Standard drug tests, like the urine test, typically screen for THC metabolites. If you’ve recently used a THC vape, the metabolites can be detected, even if you’re not currently feeling the effects. The detection window varies based on how frequently you vape, your body fat, and your metabolism.

How Does THC Show Up in Urine?

THC shows up in urine as a metabolite known as THC-COOH. This metabolite can remain in the body long after the immediate effects of vaping have worn off. For occasional users, THC metabolites may be detectable for about 3-5 days. However, for frequent users, it can stay in the urine for weeks. This is why regular vapers might test positive even if they haven’t vaped recently.

How Long Does Vaping Once Stay in Your System?

If you vape THC once, it might stay in your system for up to 3 days, depending on your metabolism and body composition. The detection time can vary, but it is generally shorter than for regular users. One-time vaping doesn’t result in long-term storage in the body’s fat cells, so it clears more quickly, but drug tests can still detect traces during this time.

Can Doctors Tell If You Vape From a Urine Test?

Doctors can tell if you vape THC by testing urine, as they will detect THC metabolites. While doctors cannot distinguish between vaping and smoking, urine tests are effective at revealing recent THC use. However, they cannot pinpoint the method of consumption. This means that if you vape THC, it can still show up on a urine test, regardless of how you consumed it.

How Long After Vaping Can It Be Detected?

The detection time for THC after vaping depends on several factors, including the frequency of use, your metabolism, and the test method. Generally, THC can be detected in your urine for up to 30 days after regular use. For one-time use, it can be detected for 3-5 days. Other tests, such as blood or saliva tests, may detect THC for a shorter period, usually within 1-2 days.


The length of time THC stays in your body depends on multiple factors, including usage frequency and your body’s metabolism. For accurate detection times, always consider how often you vape and the test used.

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